The controller of the personal data specified in this Privacy Policy is SC IMI Group, legal entity code 305600564, address Paberžės str. 2-37, LT-07154, Vilnius (hereinafter - the Company). The Company takes care of the privacy and protection of your personal data, therefore it undertakes to protect personal information in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts and local acts of the Company. This privacy policy sets out the Company's principles for the collection and use of information. It also explains how personal data is collected, used, processed and stored, how it is organized and what your rights are as a data subject. When processing your personal data, the Company complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter - BDAR), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the processing of personal data established in other legal acts. In processing personal data, the Company applies the general principles of data protection, in particular the principles of legality, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data reduction, accuracy, retention period, integrity and confidentiality. This privacy policy applies when a person uses the Company's services or visits the Company's website or social networking account. It should be noted that you are not obligated to provide the Company with any personal data, however, if you do not provide certain data, the Company may not be able to provide you with the relevant services.



The personal data that is collected depends on whether you use the Company's services or only visit the Company's website or social networking account, as well as what information you provide to the Company when you use the Company's services. The data collected by the Company falls into the following categories: (1) Basic information (e.g., name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address); (2) data related to the provision of services (e.g. company name, company code, VAT code, registration address, address, country, postal code); (3) data that is generated when you use the Company’s website or social networking account (e.g., collected using cookies and other similar technologies); (4) other data that is collected with your informed consent or on another lawful legal basis.



The Company processes your personal data for the following purposes: (1) for the provision of services and the performance of contracts entered into (eg necessary to ensure the proper provision of services, invoicing for services provided, debt collection, handling complaints, etc.); (2) to ensure the functionality of the Company's website and social networking account and compliance with customer needs; (3) to improve the operation of the Company's website and social networking account. The data is processed with your consent under the conditions set out in this Privacy Policy, either in the provision of services (i.e. in the performance of a service contract), or in the legitimate interest of the Company, or in the performance of the Company's legal obligations. The Company processes personal data only to the extent necessary to achieve established and clearly defined legitimate purposes, taking into account the protection of your privacy. Consent to the processing of personal data may be revoked by e-mail. by e-mail or in writing by sending a request by post to the Company's registered office address. The Company shall ensure that personal data are processed accurately, fairly and lawfully, and only for the purposes established and published prior to the collection of the data, in strict compliance with the clear and transparent requirements for the processing of personal data set out in the legislation. Personal data will not be sold, provided or otherwise transferred to third parties without a legitimate basis, nor will it be used for purposes other than those for which they were collected. If necessary, we may use third parties to process your personal data in accordance with the law, such as information technology specialists, database software providers, database administration service providers, data center, hosting (server) and cloud service providers, and so on.



The Company must protect the confidentiality of personal data, process personal data as required by applicable data privacy legislation, and do not disclose, transfer or facilitate access to personal data by any means to any person who is not authorized to process personal data. In order to ensure the protection of personal data, the Company implements administrative (safe processing of documents and computer data, establishment of work organization procedures, etc.) and technical (administration of information systems and databases, protection of operating systems, use of passwords, etc.) personal data protection measures. Data provided to the Company for the provision of services is stored for as long as it is necessary to ensure the fulfillment of obligations arising from the provision of services or the concluded service contract. The Company retains personal data for no longer than required by the purposes of personal data processing or provided by the applicable data privacy legislation, if it provides for a longer data retention period.



The company is constantly improving its website, striving to make it as easy and convenient as possible to use. In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals and smooth operation of the website, cookies are used on the website. Cookies are small text files that are temporarily stored on your device's hard drive and allow you to identify you during other visits to the website, identify the user's session, session key, collect statistics about website traffic and analyze statistics, as well as identify and correct errors on the site. You can choose whether you want to accept cookies. If you do not accept cookies, you can change your web browser settings to turn off all cookies or turn them off one at a time. You can consent to the use of cookies by clicking on the "I Agree" button, which is displayed the first time you visit the Company's website, or by changing your Internet browser settings so that it does not accept cookies. Please note that you can revoke your permission to use cookies at any time. You can do this by changing your web browser settings so that it does not accept cookies.

In some cases, especially if you disable technical and functional cookies, do not accept cookies or delete them, the speed of internet browsing may be slowed down and the functionality of certain functions of the website may be restricted. If you don't want Google Analytics tools to capture information about your web browsing, you can use the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. To learn more about cookies, such as how to manage or delete them, you can visit



All persons whose personal data are processed by the Company have the right to:

1) be aware of the processing of their personal data;

2) to get acquainted with the processed personal data;

3) demand the correction of incorrect or incomplete personal data;

4) require the destruction of personal data when they are not needed for the purposes for which they were collected;

5) demand the destruction of personal data if they are processed illegally or when the consent regarding the processing of personal data has been revoked;

6) disagree with the processing of personal data or revoke a previously given consent;

7) demand the submission, if technically possible, of personal data collected with the consent or for the purposes of performance of the contract or request their transfer to another data controller;

8) file a complaint with the supervisory authority regarding any actions of the Company related to the processing of your personal data (ie to the State Data Protection Inspectorate, address A. Juozapavičiaus St. 6, 09310 Vilnius,, which is responsible for personal data protection, supervision and control of legal acts).



If you have any questions regarding the privacy policy, please contact the Company by e-mail. by mail to or by mail to the Company's registered office address.



This Privacy Policy is subject to change and update as needed. The updated privacy policy is posted on the website. You may need to review and agree to the updated Privacy Policy in order to continue using the Website or the Services provided by the Company.